viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Crazy Zarautz

When someone like Gallo calls you one day asking you to show him how you surf, there is no way you can say NO. Even if you have crazy waves: "Just choose the right ones!", he said...

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

The start of the summer season

This weekend the Surferucas Festival is taking place in Somo. The biggest only-women surfing event in Spain.

There are going to be games, live music, barbecues and  prizes for almost everyone!!!

Here is a picture of the beach of Somo, we won't have these waves, but I wish we will have some fun waves on Saturday!

Most of the best Spanish women surfers are going to be there, so it is going to be great!! I will let you know how it goes!!! :)

have a nice day!


jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

At home

Ive been at home for a week, and I was lucky to have some waves and surf with my "old friends" :). It is always great to come back home and spend some time in the water with them.

thanks Nix for the pictures! :)

lunes, 11 de julio de 2011


I thought for a while that there werent more places like this beautiful, with these waves... and the best: "still empties"... welcome to Wonderland :)

that little black point in the middle of the ocean is me! :)

 first left :)

what a nice looking wave!!!

two-hands cutback! :)

first right :) (the whole wave in pictures)

bottom turn

 litlle snap

 getting ready for the next turn...

 backside re-entry! :)

 Another right...

 nice little cutback :)

 last wave, pretty nice left

I wasnt totally by myself, there were some of these litlle "carabelas portuguesas". Lucky me that I saw them when I was leaving...

that's all falks!

Pictures by Mikel.

viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

When there are no waves...

let's go skating!!! :)

i have to thank Alder for giving me such a great Manual skateboard and Mikel for taking all these photos!!!