martes, 29 de enero de 2013

Oakley Training Style


As I tweeted this morning, I received a new box yesterday crammed with Oakley presents and here you have what was inside :)

Sweatshirts and jackets...

some training t-shirts...

and also a gym bag!! :)

Thank you sooo much Víctor for all this and Oakley for believing in me :)

have a great day! :)


jueves, 24 de enero de 2013

Start of the year

Hi there!!!

Sorry for my long absence, but lately I've been more focused on surfing and having a good time than on recording it... but I promise that will change :) and I will share my coming surfing sessions with you all :).

January is almost done and we have had really good waves so far this year :).

I am looking forward to February and with it the competition season :) friends, weekends at the beach, trip plans, etc... :)

Hopefully, we will have good waves at Cortadura beach for the "Memorial" soon

As in previous years, "Legend's" in collaboration this year with Hurley will sponsor the "Costa de la Luz Championship", which will start the first weekend of February :) 

Besides competition, a trip to Morocco by the end of February is already in my mind and a few more a bit further on in the year...

I will let you know how all these plans go :)

Have a great day!


lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

A morning with my dad

Hi there!

during this Christmas I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my dad, which is always great!

He has always loved sailing and I've got my passion for the ocean from him

have a great day!


domingo, 13 de enero de 2013

Indoor Training con Tekekas Surfing

Hi there!!!

how have you been doing lately?? I am still recovering from my cold, hope it goes away soon :).

Since I've been spending much of my time far from the beach lately, I started looking for something that could help me be fit and keep improving my surfing. After checking out different options, I decided to go to the classes to improve your balance given by Tekekas Surfing. They are much fun and really help me training my balance and keeping me in shape.

Take a look at my first try using the indoor board (one of the things we do there :)).

have a great Sunday!! :)