lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Santa María del Mar


You all know there are beaches where usually there are no waves... however these beaches are the ones to go when the rest are a mess.

Santa María del Mar is one of those beaches, and I decided to go there yesterday :) to use my new board for the first time ;) hehe

getting ready

how cool looks my new board! :)

first wave! :)

gracias Gilito x esta tabla!!! va genial!! :)
y gracias Mariloli x las fotos y el vídeo :)

have a great start of the week!


lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Huecos de calma entre tormentas :)


este finde ha sido de lluvia, vientos, tormentas... pero entre chaparrón y chaparrón ha habido huecos de sol y  alguna que otra ola sin viento :). He intentao aprovechar esas treguas del tiempo y me he dado unos cuantos baños probando tabla y entrenando técnica con mi entrenador (gracias Rodrigo x aguantar el frío pa grabarme!! :)).

nice day!


miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

The King is still here

We all knew this, if Kelly decided to continue compiting this year wast to take it seriously, but again, as these past years, everyone was expecting him to finally do not as well as previous years and finally quit. But, sorry for the kids in the WCT, he is still here and he is here to show the rest of the world how GOOD he still is at the age of 41.

I like the fresh air in the WCT, but come on... there is NO-ONE like Mr. King Kelly Slater. He will retire at some point (I guess... although you never know with him), but he will do it being the best of all times.

The harder it gets in a heat, the easier he makes it look to make through it. Sometimes there are doubts of the scores he gets in the heats, if they are just because who he is or is it that we are missing something the judges know and we dont. However, in days like yesterday he shows all of us why this is: "because he is the best" and we can only say "Congrats and thank you for giving us days like yesterday to enjoy"! :)

Have a great day!! :)


jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Video Girls Surf-Trip

Uola! :) wasup??

ya he acabado el primer vídeo del surf-trip a Portugal que hicimos las chicas el finde pasado (el otro está en mejores manos de edición :) en las de Elena :)). Pero para que os hagáis una idea de las oliyas que tuvimos aquí os lo dejo :)!

Have a great day you all! :)


miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Tyler going to town!

Hey! I just saw this video and though you should see it too... how sick these waves looks, and Tyler getting crazy barrels!! check this out!

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Girls Surf-Trip (Portugal)

Hey! :) how are you doing today???

I am doing pretty good, although it is raining a lot here and it looks like it is going to be like this for the rest of the week.

Today I've received from my friend Elena some pictures from the surf-trip we did last weekend to Portugal. Rita, Elena, Teresa and me were going to go to Marruecos for the long weekend, but finally we had to postpone that trip and decided to go to Portugal instead.

I had so much fun!! :) you will see from the pictures that we had great waves, the weather (although it was really cold sometimes) was good enough to let us enjoy the surfing. :)

Where to go????

Ready! :) 

Cold? no worries, we have the solution, let your socks on! :)

The cooker! :) thanks to Teresa we had great dinners :)

Nice view, right?

Healthy and yummy breakfast :)

time to rest :)

The Bomb!! :)

enjoying the place :)

There is always room for two :)



Coffee time...

The girls... and Yosh :)

the videos are under edition, but will be out ASAP :)

have a great day!