lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012

Good bye 2012... Hello 2013 :)

Hola a todos! :)

llevo viendo despedidas al 2012 y bienvenidas al 2013 un par de días ya y estaba indecisa entre escribir un post o no, pero al final, aquí me he puesto en el ordenador de casa, con un poco de musiquita de Donavon y Jack Johnson y me he animado a poner unas palabrillas.

Este 2012 ha sido un año de grandes cambios, ciudad, amigos, familia (un enano wapísimo ha llegado pisando fuerte :)), hábitos... en fin, de todo un poco. No suele ser fácil cuando algo cambia a nuestro alrededor, al menos para mí ya no es tan fácil. Será que como dicen "me estoy haciendo mayor" y, aunque me siga considerando un poco "aventurera", los cambios cada vez cuestan "un poco más". Supongo que antes solía mirar más las puertas que se abrían delante de mí que las que cerraba detrás, por lo que la "emoción" de algo nuevo podía con la "nostalgia" de lo dejado. Una amiga me dijo una vez "María, tú tienes la capacidad/el don de ver siempre el lado bueno de las cosas, y eso es una suerte", y es verdad que lo es :), y aunque no estoy muy segura de tener ese don, desde que me lo dijo me lo creo un poco más e intento ver el vaso siempre medio lleno :). Además, mirando hacia atrás los buenos momentos brillan tanto que el resto ni se aprecia.

En 2012 he conocido gente, culturas y sitios nuevos y estoy muy agradecida por ello. He cogido más vuelos que en muchos años atrás juntos, (que se lo digan a la del aeropuerto que me ha llegado a coger cariño ;)), he ido a Bali (después de escuchar tanto hablar sobre sus olas, su cultura, su gente..., al fin he ido y lo he vivido :) y fue todo una experiencia.), he repetido Lanzarote (nunca está mal repetir ciertos lugares :)), he visitado mucho Portugal, sitio que ya conocía, pero que me ha sorprendido para bien, algún que otro finde por Francia, además de, sin tenerlo planeado, visitar Galicia unas cuantas veces este año también :) (y mira que no pilla muy a mano de nada, pero qué playas, que paisajes, qué puestas de sol y qué gente!! :)), mi San Sebastián adoptivo y sus aledaños siempre tan acogedores (incluso cuando llueve jeje), finalmente, qué decir de las playas de mi Andalucía querida, las que este otoño hemos podido disfrutar en su gran esplendor.

Este año, por unas cosas o por otras, he vuelto un poco más a mis raíces, a mis amigos de siempre, a esos que te conocen mejor que tú mismo y que te ayudan aunque tú no te des ni cuenta de que les necesitabas. He vivido momentos inolvidables surfeando que he tenido la suerte de compartir con viejos y nuevos amigos, dejando fotos y vídeos como los que he puesto durante este año por aquí, aunque eso no refleja ni la mitad de lo disfrutado.

Finalmente, en este 2012 tengo que volver a dar las gracias a Víctor García (Oakley), a Víctor y Jokin (Alder), a Gilito (Watsay), a Rodrigo (Power Surf) y a Alain (Moonrocks) por vuestro apoyo, por hacer mis sueños más asequibles de lo que serían sin vosotros y a veces incluso realidad. Gracias a los seleccionadores por confiar en mí, a la gente con la que tengo la suerte de compartir este hobby y también a todos los que leeis esto (por cierto, mi blog tiene cerca de 20.000 visitas de más de 30 países diferentes en un poco más de un año de existencia!!!), gracias a todos por compartir un poco de vuestro tiempo conmigo leyendo y viendo mis pasatiempos :).

(regaliyo de mi brother pa despedir el año :))

Un abrazo y Feliz 2013 a todosss!!! :)



domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012

Mini-skateboarding :)

Hi there!! :) how are you all doing?? I'm feeling a bit better from my cold and I decided to go out skating with my new mini-skate :) and I've had a great time :) hehe

Look how cool it is :) although my feet just fit in it :) hehe

have a great day!!


viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012

Sailing with dad :)

Hi theree!!!! Merry Xmas to everyone!!! :) hope you are all doing great and having good time with your families and friends :)
I've been kind of sickt these past days, but finally today I've been able to go outside and have some fun with my dad. We went sailing with my little boat in a great day like today :)

look how cool it is :)

have a great day!


miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

It's all about training

Whenever I see the WC girls competing or videos of free surfing I think to myself: "they are good, they are really good. And they make things look so easy. Like no effort is needed to accomplish what they do".

However, that's not true at all. They enjoy what they do, but it is hard to get that good. Training is the key to success. Here you have the video of Sally Fitzsgibbons (WCT runner-up 3 times in a row) practising her 3-60 air.

Enjoy it!

Have a great day!


lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

Two beautiful pics

Just two pics that a friend sent me and which I think are beautiful :)

catching waves is good, but to hang out with friends while waiting for them is a great part of a surfing session :)

nice Monday!


miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

For a good cause

Hey all!!! look how cool my shirt for the Harapan project looks!! :) 

you can get yours from Moonrocks

or collaborate with Harapan to help these kids just going to their web page and helping them from there :)

Have a great day!! :)


martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

sur-fing rights

Hi there! :)

lately I've been surfing more rights than anything... and I am starting to like them and enjoy them a lot! :)

There is a phrase which says that "Human are animals of customs" and after seeing this pictures I must agree with it!! hahaha I have the same position no matter what (the size of the wave, if it opens, if it is closing up...)!! haha

This one is a bit different... just because it was taken a bit later haha

thanks Fran for the pictures :)

have a great Tuesday! 


martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Friends + Surf = great weekend

Hi! :)

it is great to watch some videos from sunny and warm days, especially in these cold ones ;)

This video is from a few weekends ago. November was still warm, not anymore though... :(

The girls were a bit nervious for being in front of the camera :) I guess we will have to practice a bit more hehe :)

have a great day!!


viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Here is the video

Hi there!

here you have now the video from the trip to Galicia, enjoy it! :)

Team Oakley meets Galicia from Mar Gruesa on Vimeo.


miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Bites from Galicia with the Oakley Team

Hi everyone!!!

you better get some minutes to check this out, the first bites of the trip we did a few months ago with the Oakley team!!! Thanks Sergio Villabla (WE Photo Agency) for the pictures!! :)

check the whole resume here

nice day!


martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Starts are not always great

Hi there!!

Last weekend I went to have some good surfing with two friends :) I got there really excited and wanting to do it well. However, things do not always turn out as we would like to. In these cases, we just have to "keep smiling" :)

All moments shared with your friends are good moments :)

nice day!


miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

A long way to a long right :)

Hi everyone! Last Sunday we went on a trip looking for a wave many people had told me about and that I had never surfed before. Rita was the person in charge of the trip and although we finally found the place I do not know if I am going to trust her anymore when she tells me "it takes 10 minutes walking to get there" hahahaa

However, it was all worth it and we had a great day!! :) here you have the video showing the trekking we had to do to get to the beach!!! haha

Have a great day!!


viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

The lucky one??


Many of my friends usually tell me how lucky I am that I've travelled all around the world, seen many beautiful places, etc...

Nevertheless, this week I've not felted like that at all... seeing gorgeous pictures from friends all around the world and wishing I were there, but I wasn't!

(thanks Elena for this pic :))

Meanwhile I've been stuck!! stuck in my office, stuck in a city sorrounded by cars and smoke, stuck in a tiny flat... 

However, today is Fridayyyy!!!!!! and I am starting to feel lucky again 'cause my boyfriend is coming to visit and we are going to the beach for the weekend!!! yuhhuuu!!!!! :) It seems like it is going to rain this weekend, but I do not care at all!!! :) I just want to see the ocean and enjoy it!! :)

have a great weekend u all!!! and feel lucky yourselves, because there is always something that can make you feel the luckiest in the world! :)


lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012



as promised, here you have the video from the "backstage life" of a surf contest :)

No waves in the video, just "hanging out bits"

have a great start of the week!


miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Weekend bites

Hi there!

As you all now last weekend I participated in a contest surfing in Tarifa. The waves during the week had been great all around the south coast of Spain, however during the weekend strong south wings started to blow and the waves were kind of a mess.

Love this picture from Lucas! :)

After thinking for a while what to do, we decided to joint the competition and at least spend the day at the beach trying to catch something :)

The contest started for us with small fast waves and really strong winds. In my first heat I had Marina Alabau (London Olimpics Gold Medal in Windsurf!!!). It was really hard to find waves, but I finally managed to catch two waves that allowed me to do two ok turns.

Now it was the turn of the guys, and we decided to spend sometime around watching them and hanging out at the bar :)

After a lunch break, the organizers decided to run the semi-finals and finals of the girls. The conditions were really tough for the final and Julia (the youngest) had a really hard time to get to the peak, finally she could get there and although most of the heat was already past, she did a last effort a catch a few waves. Good work girl!

My first left of the final :)


I was luckier than her and did not have that many troubles to get to the peak. I caught a left which let me do two turns and after that I focused on catching one of those rights I had been seing all day breaking, but that were really hard to catch because of the currents. When there were 5 minutes left a really clean right came and I caught it, surfing my best wave of the contest in the final!! :) 

We did not know how we had finished till that night during the dinner the organizers had prepared for us. Two massive paellas for all of us!! :) 

 Finally, the moment came and this is how everything ended ;)

 Because we did not have to surf on Sunday we decided to go celebrate :) Mojitos for everyone!!! it was "happy hour"!!! :)

We caught the best wave of the weekend at a bar! :)

On Sunday it was hard to wake up (actually I don't even know if Elena did wake up jajajja). Before leaving, Teresa decided to have a snack for breakfast!! hahaha

In our way home we stopped in a few beaches just to take a look at them, and I have to say they were gorgeous!!! :) I really have to come back some other time!! :)

the girls! :)

"Pequeña Lulú"

I had a great time, thanks Teresa, Rita, Julia, Elena, Pilar, Polo for all the laughs we had, and the organizers for doing this great contest!!! :)

pd: wait for the video... :) it is under "edition" :)

have a great day!


lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Chocolate Waves


how was your weekend?? hope you had a great one! :) mine was really great, although I will talk more about that in the next post. Here I wanted to show you how my 1st of November was.

7:00 am in the morning my alarm rang and everything started there... take a walk to my car with my surfboard, drive for an hour, surf for 3 hours, lunch with friends, surf for another 3 hours and back to home again :)

Take a look at the video of the start of the day!! :)

It takes a while till one reaches it's purpose but  it is always worth it! :)

have a great start of the week!!


miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

De campeonato a Tarifa :)

Pues ya está aquí el puente, y aunque a algunos nos toque currar el viernes, habrá que aprovechar al menos el finde :). Y eso vamos a hacer, nos vamos a Tarifa!!! nunca he estado allí y la verdad que ya tengo curiosidad por conocer la meca de las "cometas" y el "windsurf" y por lo que se ve, también hay bastante surf por ahí :). Finde de amigas, risas, campeonato, concierto, playa, olas... qué más se puede pedir!!! 

just enjoy it!!! :)

Here you have a video showing the type of waves they have there!! yihhhaa!! :)

Nice day, Halloween party and long weekend for you all!!!


lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Back from paradise

Hi there!! how have you been?? hope you all are doing great!! I've just got back from a trip to Lanzarote where I've surfed at least two times a day!! :) great waves, great weather, people, food, views... It was my third time in Lanzarote and I totally recommend you all should go at least once.. :) It is a really different place to anyother :)

here you have some pics from the trip :)

over the rainbow :)

views from the room :)

great food!! :)

the pool :)

we had time to go to check out how the pros were doing and saw Tiago Pires winning the contest!!! hard work to take this guy on the shoulders through the rocks hehe

relaxing time :)

and of course.. the waves :)