viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Portugal here I come!

I finally have a weekend to go to Portugal!!  yuhhuuu!!!! great beaches, great weather, great people, great food... = great weekend!! :)

I went a few months ago with two friends and finally I am coming back!! It looks like there are going to be good waves and, although it might be a bit windy, we will find somewhere to have some good surfing for sure!! :)

enjoy your weekend!!


miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Thank you sooo muchhh!!!!


This post is just to say THANK YOU!!!! thank you for all your best wishes for my birthday (i know facebook helps a lot with this, but it still takes a minute to say write "happy birthday" in my wall), so THANK YOUUUUU!!!! 

I got around 100 "happy birthdays" yesterday.. it was INCREDIBLEE!!! seriously I felt (and still feel) so greatful and lucky to have you all around me... 

from those who have known me all my life (my family, old friends), till the ones that barely know me... THANK YOU to u all...

I also wanted to share with you some of the congratulations and presents I received yesterday. The day started really well with me receiving a postcard from a good friend from the other part of the world!! (thanks Tony!!!)

then I went to the swimming pool at around 7:30 in the morning and the machine at the entrance told me to have a good day in my birthday!! that was soo funny!!! haha 

Afterwards, I went to work and what was my surprise when I arrived at work and I already had a bunch of congrats in my facebook wall, wa, and emails!!! :) from those who have known me "forever" and call me "mariquilla", from those who know me from surfing and  call me "surfer", from those who call me "itsusi", or even those who call me by my name "María" hehe

however, and sorry for the rest, but the best happy birthday wishes came from this little one who still doesn't even call me anything...


I also got some birthday presents and they were great!



And of course a piece of birthday cake!! :)

Finally, to have a good end of the day I went for dinner with my parents  

not a bad day i would say!! :) hehehhehehe


have a great day!!


lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

Hand-fixed :)

Hi!!!! :)

I went home for the weekend, to spend some time with my family and friends which is always great! we celebrated San Juan at the beach, making our wishes, jumping the fire and getting into the water at 00:00 o'clock! :)

But, in my free time I also tried to fix one of my old boards. I really like this board because it is the one I used when I won my first surf contest :). I broke it last year in Maldivas and I hadn't fixed it since then, however, this weekend I decided it was time to do it (or at least try to do it :)). 

I love doing these things myself, but this was a hard one, it was half-way broken and I have never fixed such a whole. Anyways, I watched some youtube videos on how this can be done, asked my friend Juan (thanks for your comments and for the material) and tried my best (I didn't have time to finish it, but it is half way done now :)). At least the board looks much stronger than before :)

Take a look....



 Filling it with fiberglass

Now time to leave it dry... I will be back with it and show you how it ends :) hehehe :)

nice day!


jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

New toys!!

Hey there!! :)

I already got my new "toys" for the summer, new board, wetsuit, sunglasses, clothes, grip and even new lish hehehe :) I am sooooooo luckyyy and I know ittt!!! :) (thanks to all my sponsors for treating me soo well!!).

I went surfing with Mikel and Marta for the "premiere" of my new toys hahah and this is the video that came out from that day! :) it's a funny one i think :)

by the way, this board looks good, but it goes even much much better!!!! :) I am so happy with it under my feet!! :)

new toys & old friends :) best combination ever!!! :)

have a great weekend you all!!! :)


miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

Bowl-Skating :)

Again skating... ;)

hi! sorry for having been "out" for a while, but I've been in Switzerland (which by the way is BEAUTIFULLLL!!!!) Here you have a video I recorded a few weeks ago :), first try to the bowl with the skate, not bad for the first time, promise there will be more! :)

best shorts ever!! :) (thanks Alain!!) (go MoonRocks or go home ;)!)

raskatás!! :)

bowling hahaha :)

skatingBowl.mp4 from mortiz on Vimeo.

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Great Discovery - Juan Zelada

Hi people!! this week I have discover this Spanish singer who has gladdy surprised me :). His name is Juan Zelada, and here you have some of his songs :)

"What do I know", I really like this one, the rythm is pretty cool...

"The Blues Remains"

"Breakfast in Spitafields"

have a great weekend!!!


lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

Nice day at the beach

A few pictures from a surfing day from last week. The waves were kind of messy, but there were still some good ones :)

great sunny day!! :)

we had some right and left ones :)

The one lying down next to me is "er Jozua", he could not move anymore :) hehe

Thanks Blanca for the pictures!!!! hope 2 see u soon in the water!! :)

have a nice day!


viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Sporting con "er" Jozua

Ayer y antes de ayer fueron dos días de toma de contacto de deportes con Jose Manuel. El miércoles nos fuimos a patinar (gracias por los patines!!! jeje) a casi 40º a la sombra... (papá no se lo digas a mamá!!!). Para el que no lo sepa Jose es wenísimo patinando (de hecho yo creo que sin patines solo le he visto en la playa y xq todavía no han sacado los patines que anden por la arena :))

El caso es que mientras yo "intentaba" seguirle a duras penas, él iba dando brincos de espaldas, de frente, para un lado y para el otro... yo no patinaba desde que era pequeña pero pensaba "bah, esto tan fácil como siempre"... pues no!!! el tiempo pasa y no perdona!!! jajaja... cuando llevábamos un rato patinando casi me da un chungo del calor y cansancio jajaja y eso que solo había practicado el cómo girar para un lado (que mi lado izquierdo pasa bastante de mi cerebro, no atiende a órdenes jajaja)...

Pero ayer llegó mi "venganza"... jaja, nos fuimos a la playa a "zurzear" (para el que no sea de motril a "surfear" jaja) y aunque Jose y yo ya habíamos surfeado de pequeños con la tablas que teníamos por los chambaos, ayer fue como "su primera vez"... y el pobre no consiguió ponerse de pie. Tengo que decir que no es culpa suya, el mar estaba un poco revuelto, había bastante corriente y además la tabla que llevaba no era una para "aprender", y puede ser un poco frustrante, aunque todo sirve y al final acabó cogiendo unas cuantas olas en las que casi lo consiguió...

probando la go-pro (vaya caretos jaja)

Una oliya que me grabó mientras él descansaba de tanto remar

Y es que cada deporte tiene sus cosas y aunque cuando vemos "desde fuera" todo nos parece "tan fácil", los problemas vienen cuando nos toca hacerlo a nosotros, que lo que tan simple nos parecía resulta q no lo es... sin embargo vale la pena seguir intentándolo y disfrutar del "aprendizaje" :)

gracias Jose por estos dos días!! :) me lo he pasao genial!! :)

nice Friday!


miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Pics from La Laja Contest

Hey again! I have just found these pictures from the contest of the other day, thanks David Rivas for taking them! :)

After the morning surf I met some of the girls that participated in the contest

Semifinals first wave... nop, i did not land it! jeje

 I managed to find a good left in the middle of the heat which gave me more confidence

This board feels great under my feet!!! :)

Nice day!


martes, 5 de junio de 2012

La Laja Surf Champ

Hey you there!! :)

After not compiting for a while I decided to sign for a contest in Chiclana last weekend. I was going to be surfing around there anyways, so I thought it was a good idea to start compiting and getting the rhythm again :).

The waves were kind of hard and the conditions changed a lot during the day. Early in the morning with the low tide and smaller waves some a of them were opening really good and letting us do some turns, but as the tide came in most of the waves started to close out and not much could be done.

The contest area :)

In the final I was lucky and caught a good left which let me do one big turn and a good finish. The rest of the waves I caught were a single turn waves, although it looks like I did not do that bad at the end cause I won! :)

Back at home with my trophy!! ;)

I had a great time competing in this contest, I met a bunch of really nice/funny people which I am sure I will see again surfing around :)! Thanks to the organizers for having such a fun contest!!!

Here you have a video I recorded the morning of the contest (look how sleepy I was... I could not even talk!!! jajajjajajjajja)... and a few pictures of that day! :)

Have a great day!